Welcome to RESPECT 2022!

Published by skim142 on

May 23-24, 2022
Philadelphia, PA

Co-located with the 2022 NSF CISE Education and Workforce PI Meeting (May 25-26)

The Conference on Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT) is the premier venue for research on equity, inclusion and justice in computing and computing education. Now in its seventh edition, the organization of RESPECT 2022 is guided by our conference theme, “Moving Toward Justice-Centered Computer Science Education“.

Since research in this area is inherently interdisciplinary, we invite contributions from computer science education, educational leadership and policy, learning sciences, cognitive and/or social psychology, social sciences, human computer interaction, and related disciplines. Additionally, recognizing the important role that educators, students, and other community members play as partners in equity-focused efforts, RESPECT welcomes the participation of those who have not traditionally identified as “researchers” to present, including teachers, students, advocates and policy-makers. There are a variety of ways to contribute to and participate in the RESPECT program, through research papers, experience reports, lightning talks, posters, and more. For details on submissions, see the call for papers.

RESPECT 2022 will be held May 23-24, 2022 as a hybrid meeting. The 2022 NSF CISE Education and Workforce PI meeting will be co-located with RESPECT on May 25-26, 2022. The in-person conference and PI meeting will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with opportunities for remote attendees (and presenters!) to participate in sessions, networking, and collaborative discussions.

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