AI Ethics Readings

Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women

The article discusses how bias towards women was built into machine learning for recruiting employees at Amazon.

Dastin, J. (2018, October 10). Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women. Retrieved from Reuters:

Understanding racial bias in machine learning algorithms

The article reveals racial bias in machine learning and discusses ways to combat the biases.

Fawcett, A. (2020, June 8). Understanding racial bias in machine learning algorithms. Retrieved from Educative:

Ethical concerns mount as AI takes bigger decision-making role in more industries

This article examines the promise and potential pitfalls of artificial intelligence and machine learning and the steps needed to humanize them.

Pazzanese, C. (2020, October 26). Ethical concerns mount as AI takes bigger decision-making role in more industries. Retrieved from The Havard Gazette:

It’s time to stop talking about ethics in AI and start doing it

The article points out the need to talk less about implementing ethical safeguards into AI and take action to implement them.

Syal, D. (2019, January 17). It’s time to stop talking about ethics in AI and start doing it. Retrieved from World Economic Forum:

Weapons of Math Destruction

Author Cath O’Neil explores how some big data algorithms are increasingly used in ways that reinforce preexisting inequality.

O’Neil, C. (2016). Weapons of Math Destruction. New York: Crown Publishing Group.

Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World

Meredith Broussard points out technology’s inner workings and limits, and the audience should never assume that computers are always correct.

Broussard, M. (2018). Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

AI Ethics Activities

AI Ethics Research Area - Computer Vision and Sensors

The student will conduct research using articles and videos that reveal the questionable ethical practices in AI on this topic.

Lesson 14: AI Code of Ethics. (2022). Retrieved from CODE:


AI Ethics Research Area - Social Media, Shopping, and Entertainment

The student will conduct research using articles and videos that reveal the questionable ethical practices in AI on this topic.

Lesson 14: AI Code of Ethics. (2022). Retrieved from CODE:


AI Ethics Research Area - Human-Robot Interaction

The student will conduct research using articles and videos that reveal the questionable ethical practices in AI on this topic.

Lesson 14: AI Code of Ethics. (2022). Retrieved from CODE:


AI Ethics Research Area - Healthcare, Human Life, and Well-being

The student will conduct research using articles and videos that reveal the questionable ethical practices in AI on this topic.

Lesson 14: AI Code of Ethics. (2022). Retrieved from CODE:


AI Ethics Research Area - Employment, Economy, and Finance

The student will conduct research using articles and videos that reveal the questionable ethical practices in AI on this topic.

Lesson 14: AI Code of Ethics. (2022). Retrieved from CODE:


AI Ethics Research Area - Environment, Natural Resoures and Wildlife

The student will conduct research using articles and videos that reveal the questionable ethical practices in AI on this topic.

Lesson 14: AI Code of Ethics. (2022). Retrieved from CODE:


AI Ethics Lectures

How police manipulate facial recognition

This video questions how police use facial recognition to check IDs and find suspects.

The Verge. (2019, July 26). How police manipulate facial recognition. Retrieved from YouTube:

Artificial Intelligence and Marketing: The Future Is Here

This video distinguishes between AI and machine learning and how they work in the marketing industry.

Social Media Examiner. (2019, September 10). Artificial Intelligence and Marketing: The Future Is Here. Retrieved from YouTube:

Racist Robot? | Microsoft AI Experiment Under Fire

This video examines Microsoft’s “Tay” AI bot and how the system became tainted.

ABC News. (2016, March 25). Racist Robot? | Microsoft AI Experiment Under Fire. Retrieved from YouTube:

This AI Is Beating Doctors At Their Own Game

This video shows how AI reviews x-rays like a Radiologist. But should we rely entirely on AI instead of a medical doctor?

VICE News. (2018, December 13). This AI Is Beating Doctors At Their Own Game. Retrieved from YouTube:

The ethical dilemma of self-driving cars

The video examines self-driving cars making decisions to avoid an accident. What is the cost?

Lin , P. (2015, December 8). The ethical dilemma of self-driving cars. Retrieved from YouTube:

AI and Ethics: How will AI impact society and the environment? (MAIEI SECure)

This video discusses the social impact of AI and defines what is responsible AI in society?

Why of AI?. (2020, July 8). AI and Ethics: How will AI impact society and the environment? (MAIEI SECure) . Retrieved from YouTube: