The topic will discuss methods to ensure the tech industry is accessible to everyone.

The topic will look at advocacy groups providing solutions in making tech a diverse and inclusive industry.

The topic will discuss how the tech industry has blatantly excluded people of a certain age and provide solutions to include all ages in the industry.

This topic discusses how the tech industry needs to develop and implement initiatives that create systems that don’t cause harm to people and maintain human dignity.

The topic discusses the ongoing process to build relationships to include marginalized groups in the tech industry.

The topic will look at how the tech industry makes knowing or unknowing decisions about how minorities function in tech.

The topic will look at the disparities in the tech industry and solutions to narrow the gap.

The topic will look at the lack of diversity in the tech industry and solutions to make the tech industry more diverse.

The topic will discuss privileges in society and their impact on the tech industry.

The topic identifies the causes of impostor syndrome and solutions to stop it in the tech industry.

This topic will discuss leadership leaders recognizing their biases and making conscious changes to create a more collaborative atmosphere in tech.

This topic will point out subtle interactions communicated towards historically marginalized groups that are biased and derogatory and solutions to combat it in the tech industry.